Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It pays to read the label…

2013-07-02 20.39.04I need dirt… choices..  go and dig it up at neighbors or buy it..  today it was “buy it” when I was at Big Lots…  huge bag  $8.  Get it home, fill some of the beds and then notice it says garden soil…  hhmmm  not potting soil but garden soil.  who knew??  …not to be used in containers…  hhmm….  to the internet…  too compacted…  hhmmm…  I have straw…  so I take the van, collect soil, straw, Brita and Jake and proceed to mix the straw and soil to use for containers!!   We’ll see….
2013-07-02 20.43.102013-07-03 15.22.342013-03-26 09.38.18-12013-07-02 20.34.192013-07-02 20.39.23