Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rain all around…

and Larsen has a 22% chance of precipitation ….  go figure…  this is why my soil is sandy I guess….


A day of ups and downs….

….for the tomato plants, that is!! 

9:20 in the morning – not so bad…  will water later…

2012-09-04 09.20.28

4:00 in the afternoon!!  What happened?!?!  OMG!  Get the hose QUICK!!!

2012-09-04 16.57.322012-09-04 16.57.432012-09-04 16.58.52

Two hours after the watering and good thoughts!! (Picture immediately above and below are the back of the row of tomatoes.  What a difference!

2012-09-04 18.39.502012-09-04 18.39.35