Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oh no!

A trip to the back 40 revealed that “something” (possum maybe) decided to eat/play with(?) one of the squash plants.  SO at 9:30 (yes it’s almost dark) I put a temporary fence up …  not that it would keep a critter out if it really wanted to get in but maybe a deterrent…  at least it would slow it down.  The first picture shows how far from the pot ground and the stake was…  and Jake is clearly following the scent.

2013-06-19 21.04.50    2013-06-19 21.04.25

2013-06-19 21.08.51


Ran out of dirt but did get the ones planted that I wanted to get planted.  Can’t have tomatoes in each one so I read because they will be too squished together!

2013-06-19 20.59.16  2013-06-19 20.58.57

AAKKK… What’s this??

On my blueberry bush?
2013-06-19 18.41.29

Do over…

At first I though that the concrete blocks on the wire would be enough but now I realize that expensive 1/4” wire is useless if the blocks are 1/2”  apart..  Guess I’ll have to start cutting now…

2013-06-19 10.25.21

Love my tractor!

Because the concrete blocks were a bit away from the new raised beds I was making I tried to put 2 blocks on the wagon..  that didn’t work..  it was uphill.  Then I got the wheelbarrow…  not even close to being able to do it.  Then I thought…  I have a TRACTOR!!   Ta DA!
2013-06-19 09.48.45
2013-06-19 09.51.53

Snow shovels aren’t just for winter!

This was great for pulling dirt from the fence to level it off!

2013-06-19 10.07.55

All I was going to do…

was to plant some tomatoes in dirt…  of course that would be too easy.  So I put the weed barrier down and space the tomato cages (look carefully there are 6).  Then I thought…  concrete blocks!

2013-06-18 15.06.03    2013-06-18 15.05.32