Sunday, May 20, 2012


Toma Verde TOMATILLO is adapted to grow successfully in a wide range of climates, and is a large-fruited, 3' - 6' tall variety. These papery-husked wonders prefer growing conditions somewhat similar to tomatoes (and are related to a tomato), Tomatillo Toma Verde HEIRLOOM Seedsbut will handle a lot more heat than tomatoes. Grows quickly and produces in both southern and northern climates. Used in a wide variety of Mexican foods.

This packet plants approximately 40 plants.
Days to Emerge:  10 days
Seed Depth:   1/4”
Seed Spacing:   A group of 3 seeds every 18”
Row Spacing:  3’
Thinning:  When 2” tall  thin to 1 every 18”
When to sow outside: 2 to 4 weeks after average last frost, and when soil temperatures are warm.
When to start inside: RECOMMENDED. 4 to 6 weeks before average last frost.

Harvesting:       Fruits should be harvested when they almost fill the husk, but are still green in color; the husk will change from green to tan. Fruit at the bottom of the plant ripens first. If left on the vine too long, and allowed to turn yellow or purple, they lose their unique flavor.

2012-09-03 10.26.39