Sunday, December 16, 2012

It’s December 16th….

……and I’m working outside!  I need to put blocks along the back of the raised bed and
I thought maybe dividing it in parts would be a good thing…. 
In case I forget what it was like I included a picture of it with all the tomatoes last year….
and a picture of how I want it eventually!

2012-12-16 10.44.44  2012-12-16 10.45.172012-12-16 10.45.54  2012-08-20 00.32.47 garden bed mosaic on cement blocks3

It's December - what is this??

Egg Cartons

I’m saving egg cartons and getting these silverware containers at thrift shops for no more than $1.00!

2012-12-16 09.48.16